Can you believe that St. Paddy's Day is almost here? Lucky for you, Monin flavors are like the gold at the end of the rainbow, making holiday-themed drinks shine. So, don’t find yourself in a pinch come March 17th – be ready to create one of these signature green drinks. With a cool blast of mint and eye-catching shamrock color, these non-alcoholic recipes are perfect for anyone, even little leprechauns on St. Patrick's Day! - Anne
View our complete collection of all flavors here.
Recipe with ID 5941D6B6-0D4F-4283-96BB-BDFC309D85F9 not found.
Recipe with ID 415FC74F-32CF-4FE6-9EDC-CDF75CEC0724 not found.
Agitado de Menta Irlandesa y Pistache
- 30 ml Saborizante de Pistache (Pistachio)
- 15 ml Saborizante de Menta Verde (Green Mint)
- 60 ml leche
- 4 scoop(s) helado de vainilla
Garnish: Crema batida , Ramita de menta
- Combine los ingredientes en una licuadora.
- Mezcla hasta que quede suave.
- Vierta la bebida mezclada en servicio de copa.
- Decorar / Adornar.