Simple Summertime Cocktails

Wooden table with sliced lemons, oranges, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, mint leaves and striped paper straws.
In the mid-summer heat wave that the month of August often brings, refreshing summertime cocktails are a great way to cool off. I would like to share two that I find to be rather enjoyable, despite their simplicity. These recipes are very easy-to-prepare, made with a just a few ingredients and garnished with fresh berries for an added pop of color & aroma. You could easily add any Monin fruit flavor to either of these classic cocktails, but they both taste great on their own. Simple, classic and refreshing was my inspiration. Enjoy! – Angela SUMMER FRESH MARGARITA
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Chispeante Picnic en el Verano


  • 8 ea. hojas de menta
  • 30 ml Saborizante de Caña Pura (Pure Cane)
  • 15 ml jugo de limón verde fresco
  • 45 ml ron ligero
  • cubitos de hielo
  • top soda

Garnish: Ramita de menta , Limón verde , Pajita , Frutos rojos


  1. Vacíe la(s) fruta(s)/especia(s)/hierba(s)/vegetal(es) en la coctelera y machaque con el(los) productos Monin.
  2. Añada los otros ingredientes excepto la bebida gaseosa y agite vigorosamente.
  3. Vierta la mezcla en un vaso y añada la bebida gaseosa.
  4. Sirva.
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