International Women's Day

Collage of women working at Monin with a header Happy International Women's Day
International Women's Day is a celebration of the social, cultural, political, and economic achievements of all women, and we're proud to support this year's theme #BreakTheBias. At Monin, we believe our diversity is our strength. In honor of such a momentous day, we’re celebrating the achievements of women around the world, starting with those within our Monin family. Go behind the scenes as we interview four women leaders at Monin who inspire us each and every day. Learn what success means to them, and how they overcome obstacles and adversities in today’s society.

Stasha Johnston, SVP Marketing

What is your definition of success? I read in a recent book that ‘We fail the minute we let someone else define success for us.’ That said, I can only share what it means to me and for me. Finding what brings me joy and gives my day-to-day meaning, is my definition of success. Two healthy kids, a happy family and a job, along with colleagues that allow me to be vulnerable and real while also challenging me to be better----that, for me, is my personal story of success. What message would you give to young women starting their careers? Be yourself, unapologetically authentic, but strive to always give your best. Show you care; kindness really matters. Have confidence but not in a boastful way, be self-aware. Lean into your job and work your ass off. Combating the biases women face, what’s something you think people should know about women in the workplace? Compassion and emotion are not weaknesses. Assertiveness doesn’t mean aggressiveness How do you break down barriers and obstacles within your leadership role? Teamwork + support from knowledgeable and adept colleagues + intrinsic company knowledge helps me to overcome obstacles.

Johanna Velez, VP Quality Assurance

What is your definition of success? Success is a journey through life where you feel good about the choices and decisions you made, the positive impact you leave on others, and learning new things along the way. You cannot succeed in life if you are not open to new opportunities, challenges, and learning new things. What message would you give to young women starting their careers? They can accomplish anything they put their heart and mind into. They need to be eager to learn, develop relationships with others, take the initiative and go for it. Combating the biases women face, what’s something you think people should know about women in the workplace? Women in the workplace rock. I can think of more than one thing they can bring to the table, but one of them is, they can be great leaders and inspire others. How do you break down barriers and obstacles within your leadership role? What may appear to be an obstacle is an opportunity in disguise. An obstacle is just a difficult situation that can be overcome with patience, humility, and perseverance. Accept and let go. A few years ago my husband gave me a paperweight with a quote from Winston Churchill, it says: “If you are going through hell, keep going”.

Megan Meiers, VP Human Resources

What is your definition of success? To me, success in the workplace is getting to work in a positive environment with coworkers I trust (and who trust me) all working toward common goals, overcoming challenges, and continuously learning. It is more about the process than the end goal for me. What message would you give to young women starting their careers? For women new to the workforce, I would encourage them to be curious and ask a lot of questions, stay true to their values, put themselves out there if they see an opportunity, and jump back in the saddle if they encounter setbacks. Enjoy the ride! Combating the biases women face, what’s something you think people should know about women in the workplace? We are great listeners, and we offer unique perspectives. How do you break down barriers and obstacles within your leadership role? I try to tackle problems by looking at things from multiple angles and breaking them down into more manageable challenges. I think the key is to stick with it and keep trying if something doesn’t work the first time.

Angela Reamer, VP Manufacturing

What is your definition of success? Success is the journey of learning, growing, setting and accomplishing goals, and having a positive impact on others. It’s who you become along the way. What message would you give to young women starting their careers? Find the things that give you energy. What gets you excited about coming to work and what keeps you energized long after are done for the day? These are the things to incorporate into your every day. We spend a large portion of our lives at work so make sure that you feel fulfilled and proud of the work that you do and its impact. Combating the biases women face, what’s something you think people should know about women in the workplace? Women in the workplace build each other up, help one another grow and cheer each other on. How do you break down barriers and obstacles within your leadership role? The first thing is to not view it as an obstacle per se but more as a challenge that can be overcome. “Begin with the end in mind” is a principle from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that I utilize quite often. What is the desired end result and what does success look like? Then, I break down the larger challenge into smaller steps that can build momentum as they are completed. In addition, I seek outside perspectives, guidance, and knowledge. There is always room to grow and learn.
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