Brandy Alexander

Brandy Alexander

Brandy and chocolate are a sweetly nostalgic pairing for the holiday season, so this month I wanted to share a seasonal blended twist on a classic cocktail. Popular back in the 70’s this cocktail was once known as ‘the Alexander’ and was originally made with gin (it was also a hugely popular drink with the Beatles). Nowadays, it is most frequently enjoyed as a creamy and decadent after dinner sipper that mixes brandy liqueur with crème de cocoa. Typically, this drink isn’t made in a blender, but I found that blending in creamy ice cream versus half and half gives the drink a better texture and mouthfeel. Then, by also including our Chocolate Cherry Syrup the recipe has a subtle fruit finish that will please anyone looking for a chocolatey liquid dessert. If you like espresso martinis, Chocolate Martinis or dessert cocktails, definitely give this unique one a try.

If you are looking for some additional history around this classic cocktail, check out this article for some fun and interesting trivia:

Brandy Alexander con frambuesa negra


  • 90 ml helado de vainilla líquido
  • 20 ml Saborizante de Frambuesa Negra (Black Raspberry)
  • 15 ml Salsa de Chocolate Oscuro (Dark Chocolate)
  • 15 ml licor de chocolate
  • 45 ml brandy
  • cubitos de hielo
  • pinch(es) nuez moscada

Garnish: Crema batida , Frutos rojos


  1. Llenar el vaso con hielo.
  2. Colocar los ingredientes en la licuadora según el orden indicado.
  3. Incorporar el hielo del vaso, tapar y licuar hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea.
  4. Servir en el vaso, adornar y presentar.

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